Choosing Cycling Gear

A recent study found that people who run and cycle have less low back pain. If you are new to cycling, here are some tips to help keep you injury free:

  • Choose the right size bike. Straddling a proper-sized bike will leave about 1" clearance between your groin and the top of the frame.

  • Adjust the saddle so in the bottom pedal position there is approximately a 10 degree bend in your knee.

  • Your stem height should be somewhere between parallel and 1" lower than the top of your saddle.

  • Padded bicycle shorts can help with comfort on long rides.

  • Wearing cycling gloves helps to relieve hand pressure.

  • Choose sunglasses with UV protection.

  • ALWAYS wear a helmet. 

Source: Kaartinen S, Aaltonen S, Korhonen T, Rottensteiner M, Kujala UM, Kaprio J. Cross-sectional associations between the diversity of sport activities and the type of low back pain in adulthood. European Journal of Sport Science. 2019 Dec 19(just-accepted):1-9.